报告人:François LANGEVIN 教授 (法国贡比涅技术大学)
【报告人简介】Biomedical engineer 1978; PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1986; HDR (Habilitation to Research Direction) in 1998; Advanced Medical Imaging Center design in Compiègne; 18 PhD thesis directed; Professorship (Chaire) of Management of Health Tehcnologies in the National School of Public.
【报告内容】Short lecture about the exploration and understanding of bio-mecanical properties of neck and head arteries from MR (Magnetic Resonance) images. The idea is to reproduce the behaviour of the flow and elasticity of cerebral arteries, and to design new instrumentation for interventional MR imaging.
上一条:【学术报告】下调微小RNA-16抑制cyclins D1, D2和E1促进心肌肥大